Moving right along, here's some more posters from my collection. Click on any of them for a closer look.
Still can't do that dare. Better safe than sorry.

My first girlfriend was named Alicia, and I took her to this movie. Oh, the foreshadowing.

Wow, just wow on that one.
The first time I laid eyes on Nicole Kidman. That was a good day.

I like that last one a lot. I just wish I had one for Hardware to go with it.
You know something that I noticed while revisiting all these old titles? Sequels really liked to riff on the mainstream when coming up with their taglines. For instance, the above posters for Children Of The Corn 2 and Child's Play 3 reference Home Alone and Look Who's Talking respectively. This could still very well be happening, but nowadays it seems that companies like Asylum go so far as to emulate entire movies!
Beautiful man. I am going to be going through my posters this week. I'm trying to track down my Pumpkinhead VHS poster to get Lance to sign at the Fan Expo. It's by far one of my favourite pieces of artwork.
Thanks for inspiring me!
I put on Dead Calm obsessively when I was a wee lad - the level of tension it generated was unsurpassed in my childhood moviewatching.
Kidman looked great, didn't she? This was the first time she registered with me, too (although I had seen BMX Bandits beforehand). Her breasts have gotten smaller since, don'tcha think? Although we haven't ever gotten as good a look since...
For years I searched for a recording of the score; finally found a bootleg on CD a while back.
It was, ultimately, Billy Zane that kept me watching again and again. What a great body! Tanned, sweaty, nice calves and butt. Made this 14-year-old gay boy take notice - I remember playing the tape frame by frame, hoping my parents don't walk in, as the camera tracks up the back of his nude body after he and Kidman have sex.
Kept my eye on Phillip Noyce since then, although nothing I've seen of his since has affected me as much (Sliver is a total guilty pleasure, I must admit).
About that Candyman..
I read your review and looked up a copy of this flick about a month ago. Can't believe I've never actually seen it till recently.
When I was watching it, the music in the ghetto scene near the start reminded me of Phillip Glass' "Pruit Igoe" from the ghetto section of the film Koyaanisqatsi. I wanted to make a smart ass comment that someone was doing in a rip off of Glass' composition, but when watching the rest of the movie, I realised that, yes, it was a Phlillip Glass score. I wouldn't of imagine him writing music for a cheesy horror film.
That being said, thank God no Candyman 2 or Candyman 3 sequels were made!
@FeverDog - I may have done some freeze framing myself, but it wasn't Zane I was focusing on.
@Anonymous - Yeah, about those sequels...
I keeeed
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